Naked Truth Blog

The Naked Truth blog explores our very natural human tendency to lie and its effect on our relationships. This includes how self-deception influences our romantic partnerships, friendships, family dynamics, eating and body image, interaction with diverse cultural groups, and our relationship to ourselves. For it’s only when we become aware of our self-deceptive tendencies that we can challenge them and powerfully emerge into more authentic selves.

You can read it here or on Psychology Today.

Cortney Warren Blog

Naked Truth Blog

"The Naked Truth explores how your ability to be honest with yourself affects your life. Although the topics I explore vary widely, the aim of the blog is to explore how honest self-awareness and understanding are key to your life fulfillment. For only when you are honest with yourself can you change."

You can read it here or on Psychology Today.

Thinking About Getting Back with Your Ex?

Some important questions to ask yourself before jumping back with an old flame. Cortney S. Warren, PhD, ABPP "Never go back to...

Talking to Your Kids About School Shootings

Six tips for talking to children about gun violence at school. A friend of mine called me this morning in a state...

Overwhelmed by Online Dating?

Why having too many choices makes it harder to find love. Are you overwhelmed by online dating? Do you find the number...

Is What Aaron Rodgers Said Lying?

Exploring the definition of lying and why the intention to deceive matters. “At the time, my plan was to say that I’ve...


What Is It and Could You Be One? A guest blog by Dr. Andrea Goeglein on Exaholics, the topic of my upcoming book!...

Choosing to Evolve Through Chaos

Our greatest growth often emerges from our most difficult life experiences. "All great changes are preceded by chaos." -Deepak Chopra The last...

Happiness Requires Practice

Feeling happier is the result of daily efforts to create a fulfilling life. "Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate...

The Struggles Many Face During Breakups

Source: Ksenlya Petukhova/Unsplash Love can easily turn into obsession. Now, since we're not together My life is black...

Is Monogamy Still a Good Relationship Model?

Photo: istockphoto-917874814-170667a fizkes Why Honesty is More Important to Relationship Success than The Model Itself. Cultural norms and...

The Power of Choice in the Face of Adversity

Strive to respond to difficult life realities with forgiveness, compassion, and care. Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that...